Sandra Priestley Coaching
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Girl. I get it.
Life can feel like an assembly line of tasks. You're going from making school lunches for your kids, to your J.O.B., to the grocery store, to hockey/dance/piano (enter any number of thousand other options here) practice. Once the kids are in bed you flop exhausted on the couch only to look over and see that the mother-fucking dishes are still not done and you remember that you still need to wash a load (or four) of laundry.
For 10-20 more years.
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But there's a little voice in the back of your mind that keeps whispering ... you were made for MORE.

You start looking into manifestation, you sign up for every freebie there is hoping and praying that the Universe will come through (cause it's always got your back) and like magic, you've got the bod, the money, the car, the business, the life you always dreamed of.

But with all of that information at your fingertips, your overthinking is in overDRIVE.

You know that you can be a huge success. You KNOW this deep in your bones but yet ... there is a dreaded wall in front of you and for the LIFE of you, you can't seem to move it. Something is holding you back from the huge success that you KNOW you can achieve, if you could just move that wall.

You keep searching ... you watch people on line ...  HOPING that something will click so that you can tap into your own intuition and take action toward the life of your dreams.

You would do anything if someone could just come along and tell you what to do, so that you don't have to waste time trying to figure it out yourself.

Sound familiar?

Here's the thing: we are often told to do some deep inner work, journal it out so that we can hear our own truth, dive into personal development. The problem is that we stop listening to our own inner voice and let fears and complexity take over.

And that's where I come in.

I have a strong intuition and a passion to help women in business get "unstuck". I have a proven track record of removing all of the mental bullshit that my clients have going on and giving them clarity on their next steps, a peak into their own gifts and how to blend that ALL together into one exciting and successful package. My clients go from stuck, frustrated, exhausted and pissed off to energized, inspired and excited about their future. No shit.

In this one clarity call, I will take some time to get to know more of the essence of who YOU are ... at the very core of you, where you are struggling or stuck but more importantly, we will learn about where you can go. Before, during and after the call, I will be relying on not only my expertise, experience, knowledge and education to assist you in breaking through your blocks, but also my intuition to provide me with information. It's freaky cool and I can't tell you how AMAZING it has been for me to experience uncovering this ability and to see my clients not only make a shit ton of money but also, to just finally be able to move that wall that has been blocking them.


I've been told that this ONE call is worth thousands because of the transformation that it has given my clients, but as a limited time off, it's $222 CAD (price flips to your currency automatically upon checkout).

Are you willing to get to the end of this year and WISH you were in a different spot, once again?

I AM READY - how do I sign up?

Still over-analyzing the hell out of this and not yet tired of reading?

Here is what just a few of the girls I've worked with have to say and a little more about me:

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"I spoke with Sandra in November 2018 and she gave me an idea for my business.  She has changed the entire trajectory of my whole life.  She has the ability to see something in your business that you can’t see.  She’s like a business whisperer!  She has this talent to give you strategies or skills or ideas or perspectives or ideas you haven’t thought of.  

Update:  IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS she hit 1.3 million dollars in sales and she CONTINUES to climb (last I saw she was over 5 million!!!), come up with new ideas and help Bodi partners around the globe ROCK their businesses.
- Sarra Edwards - creator of the Challenge Group Upgrade
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I have no idea what I did with my life before she came into it.  She helped me clarify so much and took so much weight off my shoulders.

- Erika Hungness
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"Sandra has the best ideas;  she sees patterns in my strengths as a coach and is able to pull it all together in a way that I've never thought of.  I trust her advice always!  Plus, she used her intuition to help me find my lost dog one time too!  haha"  

- Ashley Chandler, Pinterest Expert

Now… let’s face it ... betting on ourself can sometimes be scary and committing to something financially is sometimes even scarier. 

I know this because I have had all of these thoughts myself:

“What if I invest and it doesn't work?”

“What if I don’t see the results that I WANT to see?”

"What if my husband thinks I’m a nutjob and I’m wasting our money on wishes and dreams?"

But then I consider:

Where will I be if I continue on this same path???

It’s at that point when I am open to: 





Each time I have done so whether it has been $22 or $22,000 ... I started to step into alignment more and more.  I’ve created a business and a life that I love, that is TRULY me in all my weirdness.  I get to feel the freedom of being my authentic self, attracting people into my circle who lift me higher and I get to help women find, design and manifest extraordinary lives.

How does it get any better than this??  

Let me help you with the how ...

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Still not sure?  Let me tell you a bit about myself.  

I’m a cool combo of no bullshit blunt (but loving) advice, strong intuitive abilities and I have the superpower of dyslexia that allows me to see what others can't and to my VERY CORE I believe ...

when we find and use our gifts (and stop trying to focus on and fix our fucking weaknesses), life becomes extraordinary.

I give you permission to be free, to dream and explore and I help you find YOUR unique combo so that you can be, do and have all that you desire.

It's MY superpower to help you see yours and I'm excited to watch you put that cape on too.

Alright ... let's go girl. I'm ready to see what you've got!
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