Sandra Priestley Coaching

I was in a course one day, when the coach said "the only thing that matters at the end of your life, is the old woman looking back at you in the mirror."


At that time, it was extremely apparent to me that I was closer to that mirror than I used to be.

That one sentence started me off on a journey of self-discovery ... a decision to remove the resistance, the fear and everything that was holding me back from stepping into the person I came here to be ...  

... everything that was holding me back from what makes me ... magic.

I became a meditation guide.  I designed our home to support us better.  I chose to be coached by some of the best.  I worked with healers.  I took risks.  I faced everything ... thoughts, emotions, beliefs, actions that were holding me back.

All at once, everything that I had learned (and some that I channeled myself) became more clear than I had ever known.    

I saw my life through a completely different lens.

I felt this incredible inner power ... like anything was possible and one day, within a matter of an hour, I had created The Power Of You ... a transformative course to help women step into their own power, by stepping OUT of their own way. 

Let's face it LIFE ... happens.

Sometimes without even noticing, we dive head first down the rabbit hole of crap.

Our thoughts are stuck in a negative loop of "what if's", our emotions can become completely dysregulated ... and we can create our own hell and tell ourselves we are just victim to shitty circumstances.

This COURSE has been the thing to help me get my peace and power back and remind me who I came here to be.  

We are not meant to just EXIST ... we are meant to thrive and this course was designed (and continues to evolve) in order to help you do just that.

The Power of You can change how you think, how you feel and what you can attract and achieve.

  • It has the capacity to be THE THING that pulls your head out of your ass when you need it to (like I did)    
  • It has the capacity to bring you the most peace, the most power and the most bliss ... because you will see things through a lens of your own brilliance and possibility.  
  • It has the capacity to change your life, just like it has mine and the women who have taken the course before you.  

4 weeks of live trainings

There's just something magical about the energy of live classes and the ability to tailor it to the needs of the women who join.

Private Podcast access

'cause ... I love podcasts and I love talking and who doesn't want access to me in their ears all the time?  ;)

Mindset reprogramming and manifestation 

We cannot attract all that we desire with shitty thoughts and chaotic surroundings.  We shift it ALL in this course.

The framework ... 

No matter the situation, you have the gifts, the brilliance, the capacity to create a masterpiece from where you are.   I'll give you the tools ... so you can create the life you desire.

I can't wait!! Let me know when I can enroll!

Hi I'm Sandra! 

I'm so excited to meet you.  I'm a coach, a consultant, a feng shui practitioner and general all-around cool intuitive chick.  I have often been told that no MATTER the situation, I can help and as wild as that sounds ... it feels very true.

I believe that we spend WAY too much time on useless shit that doesn't matter (like trying to strengthen our weaknesses) and not nearly ENOUGH time on the one asset that we need most (our mindset).

I fully believe that everything IS 90% mindset and once we can master that ... our life begins to look vastly different and oh so beautiful.

I believe this course can change your life and I'm excited to help you do just that, when you're ready to take that challenge on.