Sandra Priestley Coaching
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I was convinced that swirling thoughts, several at time, was just "who I was". 
You know the girl ... that type A person who has a zillion things on the go ... the achiever, the problem solver, the one who always has to remember our families schedules, the grocery lists, the work problems AND the business ideas.

And I used to think about each of them all at once.

I wore it like badge of achievement in a weird twisted way ... like I could accomplish more than anyone else if I continually ... THOUGHT my way through life.

That couldn’t be further from the truth though. Cyclones of ideas eroded my peace and STOPPED me from achieving the life I truly wanted. I call it “the spin cycle”.

I couldn’t sleep without the tv on - it rescued me from my thoughts.

I couldn’t take action in my business because I overthought the magic out of everything.

I felt busier at work than I actually was.

I couldn’t hear my own inner guidance.

I burnt myself out and needed help getting my crap back together again.

The answer I kept getting?




NOTHING about meditating was enticing to me. PLEASE tell me how a person with swirling thoughts and a running mental to-do list has “time” to stop thinking and meditate?!?
I tried all sorts of apps and hypnosis as well. They helped me sleep without a tv but I didn’t ever experience that blissful state of inner peace that I wanted to achieve when I was awake. It wasn’t sleep I wanted, it was the bliss. It was having just one damn thought at a time.

And then .... I found it ....

I was reading about a DIFFERENT type of meditation and it spoke to me. It was a way for me to harness my thoughts and “use” my meditation time to download the answers ... one at a time ... versus overthinking the living fuck out of life.

I instantly felt better and after consistent daily practice for 3 months ... my life started to change dramatically.

I started to tap into my intuition on a deeper level. I felt the peace of having just one thought at a time (seriously if you lived in my head before meditation, this change alone is mind blowing). I became a certified meditation guide but ... sourcing meditation was my go-to.

And something magical happened.

My biz bestie challenged me to record my own meditations. My clients fell in love with them too and they started to see huge transformations. They felt the peace and the bliss that I felt. They were able to listen to their inner guidance even more. They started listening to ME ... in their ears ... each day.

Me ... the girl who used to physically reject anyone who suggested meditation. They were listening to ME.

I’ve recently realized just how many women live on this mental rollercoaster to nowhere. It’s annoying as fuck and it truly doesn’t serve us in any capacity (no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves).

I challenge you to just TRY it. Stop the bullsh*t thoughts that suggest more thoughts will bring you the answer. They won’t ... they ruin your peace.

I PROMISE you ... it is not “who you are" but rather finding the process that works for you. You CAN have that inner bliss you want. I’m living proof ...

$15 CAD a month???? PERFECT. How do I get started?


THE VAULT is a meditation portal for anyone who is struggling with overthinking, over-analyzing, over-achieving and over-stressing.

It's a collection of sourcing meditations, along with others that I've experienced (and loved) along the way.  Each one has been channelled by me ... led by me, not read from a book.  

In addition you'll get HOURS of fun content!!  Feng shui videos on manifesting money, achieving balance, designing your office, creating a business you love.  You will have access to some of my favourite videos from past years too on business and stepping into your personal power.  


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In an effort to figure out who I am meant to be in this world, I have done a LOT of things:

- I'm an intuitive business coach with a proven track record for helping women entrepreneurs kick some SERIOUS ass in their businesses ... quickly
- I have a Sociology Degree
- I've won two National Awards for Leadership
- I'm a certified Feng Shui Practitioner with over 30 years of experience,
- I'm a certified meditation guide
- I'm a mom of two smart-ass adults (they must’ve got that from my husband…).
- I buy books and skim them, but I don’t actually like to READ them (I’m dyslexic … reading makes me tired) and I LOVE being on stage.
- I swear ... a LOT ... and I actually don't care what people think of me doing so.  

I realized that women out there from ALL OVER want to learn more about being able to change their own circumstances but... reading books and forcing themselves to try to implement what they are reading isn't working. The vault was created in an effort to respond to THAT need, in a container that is extra special ... somewhere that you can't find in a book, in a free group or anywhere else really.

I’m a cool combo of no bullshit, blunt (but loving) advice, 30 years of feng shui experience, and 40+ years of working on my own mental shit, 10 years of business experience and I'm a 2-time National Leadership Award Winner.  I can help you with damn near everything ... except the tech-shit ... I despise the tech shit.  

If you're ready to stop the squirrel brain ... click this pretty bar!
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