Sandra Priestley Coaching

Random Thoughts from March 2020

Mar 31, 2020

Well hey there!!

I'm not sure about you ... but March has been a LONNNNNNNG-ASS month!   

Here is what has been going on for me:


I'm not sure if I've mentioned this to you yet, but my Arts Degree happens to be in Sociology.  I LOVE to watch and analyze trends and I have seen so many of them emerging during this pandemic-o-craziness.  

In the beginning we noticed this mass panic and surge of people buying pallets of toilet paper.  WTF?!  Seriously I was more worried about about having N-95 masks (thank God my hubby is always prepared) and then momentary panic over my coffee supply.  You can't use stray socks to make coffee, you know ... 

This was followed by schools being closed and the "Pinterest Moms" emerging.  You know the ones ... they rushed out to buy out Staples Office Supplies, put up whiteboards in their dining room, turned it into a classroom and then posted about it on social media.  Unfortunately, moms everywhere who DIDN'T set up make-shift classrooms felt like delinquents because they were watching the news.

In case you were wondering ... I am not the Pinterest Mom type.  I am the mom who gives the other moms permission to be OK with not being perfect.  In fact, my husband and I often say that our goal is to not fuck the kids up TOO badly.  So far ... I think we are doing ok (and there is nary a school whiteboard in sight here).

I did panick SLIGHTLY over the possibility of running out of coffee and told my kids to calm their tits until the teachers figured shit out.   Seriously ... I took University math classes and given the math theory these days, NO teacher would want me to teach my kids high school math.  Thank goodness things seem to be working out and the teachers are now delivering some coursework on-line.

Now, I don't want to dismiss the fact that this pandemic has been awful.  It is spreading so rapidly, people are dying so quickly and the uncertainty of this scary invisible enemy has led to fear, anxiety, stress and crippling worry.  If you're watching me so far on social media you will know my thoughts by now:

When the world is fearful, we ALL feel that collective fear.  We pick it up from the news, from social media, from others ... and we begin to take on emotions that aren't necessarily our own.  Carrying that fear is not making things better, though.  In fact, our immune systems become depleted by negative emotions;  they are said to heal with LOVE.  If you are one of the people who can spread love, humour, compassion, help or hope ... do so.  Step up as an influencer.  Use the gifts and skills that YOU have to help those who are struggling.    

In addition, I urge you to use this time to consider the emotions, items, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are not serving you.  Release that, which you no longer wish to carry into this new normal.  As we heal ourselves, we are also helping to heal the world.


Remember when I told you waaaay back in October that my stress had become unmanageable?  After about 5 years of chronic work stress, I had gained weight (while still doing hardcore workouts and on rigid diet plans), had racing thoughts and had started having anxiety attacks.  This is fucking WEIRD for me to say because I had always felt as though I had my shit under control.  

Apparently not.

I took a leave of absence from work, but my stress levels didn't immediately decrease like I had expected.  In this time of bizarro-stress, anxiety and fear, I thought I would share some supplements that I DO feel helped, just in case you are feeling like you need a bit of help.


This stuff is freakin amazing, but you can't get it in Canada at the time of this writing.  So ... unless you have an American friend who sends it to you across the border, you're gonna be out of luck, most likely.  This supplement worked over time.  I felt the "thoughts" of the stressful situations but it is like I could feel the stress but not past the point where it was unmanageable/uncontrollable.  (If you struggle with anxiety or stress-management ... you know what I mean).  You can get it HERE if you are living in the States.



THIS stuff I got at a local health food store in a nearby town.  I thought it would be good for my intense son, but he is too cool for it.  I did try it myself though and while one of the chewable didn't work ... TWO worked like a charm and within about 5 minutes.  

More details are HERE.


This has been my go-to for years.  I read one time that Jennifer Aniston used this during her divorce with Brad Pitt.  Who fuckin knows WHAT is true in the news but I'm tellin' ya ... it works.  My kids use it as well.  It comes in spray, drops or candies!!!  p.s. there is a brand for animals too!!!  (and my horse-loving friends swear by it).  When your local health food store opens up (or maybe even your pharmacy) you can pick some up.  Alternatively ... for safer shopping, here you go: rescue me



If you've been following me along, you'll know that a lot of people and things inspire me.  Sometimes those are celebrities, like Sarah Blakely (I talked about her in my first newsletter).  Today, it happens to be a new private client of mine.

We began working together just over a week ago.  Initially she was nervous to begin.  She stated she had a history of not showing up, or not committing fully to things and was scared that she would sign up to work with me and then not follow through.  She was scared of failure, of letting me down, herself down, her family down ... but she pushed through that.

You see the EASY thing is to succumb to that fear and go back to the safety of what we know (even though it's not a happy state, it's one that's comfortable because we know it well).  For this girl though, she decided that she could tell herself a new story.  

Within just 10 days, she has been doing a ton of work on her thoughts, journalling through her limiting beliefs, dreaming bigger and planning more.  She is proud of herself for not giving up.  "I have noticed I've been following through and it feels really good!!"

What's even better though?

She is not only following through with the tasks that I'm giving her, doing some deep fucking work, but she's starting to see some of her strengths ... the ones that I could always see, but she struggled to recognize.  Despite chronic depression, she is focusing on the positives more than her failures now.  There is an excitement and an energy in her voice when I speak to her and this is just the beginning.

I am so EXCITED for her that it brings tears to my eyes at times.  I know she is about to change her whole damn life and I am honoured to be a small part of it. 

THIS bravery and courage ... THIS is fuckin inspiring as hell.


OMG are you guys following with the ladies who have joined my 27 day decluttering/loving your home again challenge??  I am LOVING some of the rooms these girls are creating, the spaces that they are decluttering and most of all, I'm loving the fact that THEY are loving their spaces more.  When you're in your home 24/7 ... you better fuckin' love it, don't you think???

Also ... the miracles are on their way ...

 click here to join us



Last month in the membership, I did a three part series on becoming a money magnet!  The first two parts are NOW for sale, but the third one is a SWEEEEEECKET (that's how I used to say secret when I was little ... wasn't i freakin adorable???).  In addition, I had the beautiful Melissa Alexander (Financial Broker and Money Mindset Expert) talking to us about our money mindset.  p.s. Melissa was a guest speaker in the Feng Shui Chick Community last week!!!  I learned a ton of stuff about investments and insurance (ps my life insurance that I have now sucks shit as it would turn out ...) and money.  It was awesome!

In the month of April, I am going to be talking about the Five Elements, teach you how to assess your own personal dominant element (and how to ADJUST it to bring you more balance, or to help you use this knowledge to reach your goals.  Right ... it could mean the difference between doing ok and kicking ass on a job interview;  it could mean the difference in being exhausted as a mom or empowering your kids.  This is life changing stuff right now.  Also, my friend Melanie Diamond will be my Guest, teaching us how to heal using the five elements.

The MISSING PIECE - 3 hour webinar on the basics of Feng Shui

I had such good feedback on this webinar that I have decided to EXTEND THIS OFFER!

This is a condensed Feng Shui training.  3 hours.  Seriously ... grab your friends.  This is FUN).  You'll get a workbook that will give you all you need to know to get you started, we'll work on your own floor plans so we know that you've laid he bagua map correctly and you'll be able to implement some personalized changes once we're done.  Anyone who signs up for the webinar and LOVES It (let's face it ... you will) will then get a $222CAD discount when you sign up for my signature course:  Feng Shui and Other F Words.  

Your space truly IS the missing piece.  Here's the link:


Not sure about you but I'm now realizing that I am NOT up for gaining 15 pounds during this quarantine.  I am also NOT up for eating boring food though either.  This is a meal that was super easy to make (only needed 5 ingredients) took NO time at all and seemed super fancy.  Yep ... it's another one from my friend Jamie.


1 tbsp pine nuts
8 oz sirloin steak
2 heaping tsps green pesto
1-1/2 oz arugula (he calls this "rocket salad")
1/2 oz parmesan cheese

Put a large non-stick frying pan on a high heat, toasting the pine nuts as it heats up, tossing regularly and removing when golden.  (Watch these!  They go from golden to burnt in a heartbeat).  Cut the fat off of the sirloin, finely chop the fat, and place in the pan to render and crisp up (he swears using this fat, is the magic here ... you can use olive oil if you'd like).  Cut the sinew off of the sirloin, season it with salt and pepper.

Between two sheets of parchment paper, pound the steaks to 1/2 inch thick with a rolling pin, also tenderizing the meat.  Scoop out and reserve the crispy bits of fat, then sear the steak in the hot pan for 1 min on each side, until golden but still blushing in the middle.  Remove to a board.

Spread the pesto onto a serving platter.  Thinly slice the steak at an angle, then plate up.  Pile the arugula on top, then scatter over the pine nuts and reserved crispy fat, if you like.  Mix the steak, resting juices with 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and drizzle over.  Shave over the parmesan.  

SO YUMMY (and it's not frozen pizza .....)

That's it for my random March thoughts.  I hope you loved them and I look forward to seeing all of your successes and posts in the FENG SHUI CHICK community.  (If you haven't joined us yet ... just click that link for access into the free group).   I hope you stay warm, safe, happy and healthy ... 

XO and remember to wash your hands!!!

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