Every year, I put up a set of ornaments that say: FAITH, HOHOHO, NOEL, PEACE and BELIEVE.
And every year I lose the "Believe" for a bit.
Faith and Believe are my favourites (if you can have favourite words?) and so sometimes I keep them in my office for the year, sometimes I hang them on my vision board and sometimes they hide from me in the ornament bin.
Today I thought how INTERESTING it is that "Believe" would be the one that evades me every year.
... but isn't that the way it is?

Our belief is not always the easiest to maintain, especially when we have huge goals we wish to achieve and obstacles that feel insurmountable.
The WORK is to reprogram those thoughts and keep searching for the EMPOWERING belief, the better feeling thought, every single day.
You'll feel WAY more positive and you'll hit your goals faster!

I released a podcast episode recently where I talked about Michael Phelps (Olympian/Swimmer) who has used the "Doorway Effect" to reprogram any doubt he has. Every doorway he walks through, he says a positive affirmation!
If that's not your thing, you can write affirmations on your bathroom mirror, put them on sticky notes on your mirror or write them out and read them out loud every morning and every night before you go to bed. I've been listening to my own recorded affirmations, set to music and frequencies that a client of mine does. Here is the link if you'd like to try it out too!
10X your affirmation power with your own voice recordings

Now grab a cup of coffee and let me tell you the exciting news!!!
I have SOOOO much to share with you this month and it's stuff that I literally cannot stop talking about!!!
FIRST UP: I'm doing the 12 days of Christmas again!!! Dec 1st through the 12th.

A friend of mine reminded me that in 2021 I did daily feng shui tips on my facebook page. They were quick tips, easily do-able and they made her Christmas SO MUCH BETTER!
So THIS year ... I've decided to do them again but I've stepped it up!
I am releasing them on my PODCAST!! (You can download them on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and you can also find them on my website!!
I'm also adding in ONE smokin' deal every single day to go along with it!!! The deals will be live for the whole month of December and once January comes along ... they are GONE.
And while we're talking about websites .... I HAVE REVAMPED THE WHOLE DAMN THING!

It's COMPLETELY different than any website you've ever seen.
I don't have long sales pages ... I don't hide the prices on things but also... the more you click around, the more you get to know ME, my BRAND and also ... the more you find COOL SURPRISES!!
The 12 Days of Christmas are on my site as well and will release every day. I'd love for you to check it out!!!
CLICK to get right to the 12 Days of Christmas
FENG SHUI TIP OF THE MONTH Okay ... because I REALLY love that you're here with me (and some of you read this as SOON as I release it which makes me SO honoured) I'm sharing with you the FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS tip and deal!!!

Close your toilet lid so your money doesn't go down the drain.
In fact, close your toilet lid, your shower curtain, fix any leaks or dripping faucets and clean out your clogged drains! Your water sources are money - according to Feng Shui you can clear up financial difficulties and ensure that you keep money that you DO have by fixing your money leaks!! (Seriously ... this works)
Now, I'm not a huge fan of fear-based tips, but this one just "sticks" in my mind. Every time I close the toilet lid though, I do think two things:
1) Closing the lid, means keeping my money and 2) Toilet "plumes" can travel up to 5 feet and my TOOTHBRUSH is 2 feet from my toilet. Ewwwwww. BEST reason to close the lid right there.
A two-part video series, with some of my favourite tips, tricks and some feng shui wisdom, that will help you to change your BELIEFS, your ACTIONS and MANIFEST MORE ABUNDANCE!! (Women have begun bringing in more money after the first video even!) MONEY MAGNET MASTERCLASS Reg $44 Sale $11 DISCOUNT CODE: DAYONE
Okay you know how I love small businesses (especially Canadian ones). I also love seeing the process of designing art.
This month I found the COOLEST Canadian artist/small business.
ARTGLAS by David Yeshia
 His pieces are sold at Disneyworld and in Canadian Art Galleries. He has vases and art pieces and jewlery. Oh my gosh they are SO pretty.
All pieces are hand cut pieces of random glass, that are then fired and fused in his studio kilns at temperatures from 1325 - 1700F.
 This is one of his art pieces he made for Disney. Unfortunately they refused it, because Mickey's ears weren't perfect. Does Disney not "get" art?
Anyway this vase is one of my favourites! Isn't it gorgeous?

COOL SHIT When you walk around Winners with your daughter, you find the most bizarre things. Like THIS mask. Whaaaaaaaaat the fuck?! It's like Phantom of the Opera, hey?

It is totally next level though!!! My skin felt (and looked) like I just had the most amazing facial.

I'm wearing the Dr. Jart Cryo Rubber Mask with Moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid but there are a number of different kinds!!
You can get them at Amazon, Sephora and WINNERS (and I'm sure other places too)
She got the Vitamin C one for herself. A super cute gift for the person who has everything. This is what you're lookin for in the store:

If you’re feeling stuck, uninspired, or just pissed off with how things are going, my 1:1 coaching is gonna be the answer. I love helping women who are ready to stop playing small and actually feel powerful in every damn part of their lives. This isn’t just quick fixes or fluffy ideas – it’s about real transformation in these THREE areas:
Mindset Energy Action
For every goal you have ... these three areas need attention.
I help you: FIND the problem ... FIX the problem ... FENG SHUI the shift.
We dig into the mindset shifts and subconscious reprogramming that help you see and OWN your worth, one step at a time. Imagine a space where every session feels like someone finallygets you and where you walk away fired up and focused on what really matters. What's uniquely ME is that I will ALWAYS have you shift your space in some way so that your home actually reminds you consciously (and sub-consciously) where you are going.
Let’s create that kind of shift for you.

Click for Coaching Options
This month in The Powerhouse we are working on HEALTH area of our life. Every Monday we doing intuitive practice, I do a live training on mindset, strategy or Feng Shui and energy. Once a month I do a live card reading. It's SO MUCH FUN and there's a ton of videos that you get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to!
$40 CAD/month. See you in there!!!

YUMMMM (there's 2 this month)
My daughter and I share tik toks, IG reels and FB posts of five things: beauty hacks and products, cute animal videos, funny baby videos, funny memes and great RECIPES.

She sent this first recipe and I have to admit, I wasn't exactly champing at the bit to try it.
I. Was. Wrong.
I think I could eat this every day, just by changing up the spices and the dip. The second one I JUST found and I couldn't help but share it with you before I try it (cause I don't want to miss out on your ability to have this during the holidays!)
Sandra's Roasted Acorn Squash with Louisiana Dipping Sauce
Acorn squash Avocado oil 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder herb and garlic salt (or salt of your choice) parmesan cheese to coat
Louisiana Dipping Sauce
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt (or sour cream) 1/2 cup miracle whip (or mayonnaise) 2-3 tbsp Epicure Louisiana Spice Mix (or any cajun spice blend you have) *
Slice the squash in half widthwise. Scoop out the inside and then slice each half into crescents approximately 1" thick. Like this:
 (Photo cred: Downshiftology)
Throw squash crescents in a bowl and drizzle with oil oil, add in the spices and parmesan cheese. Toss with your hands to coat.
Lay in a single layer on a cookie sheet and roast in a 400F oven for approximately 20 minutes. Use a spatula to flip the pieces over then roast for another 20 min until golden.
Remove and serve immediately with dipping sauce.
Our Tips and Tweaks:
- I'm on an onion powder, garlic powder kick lately so these are the spices I chose, but you can just choose your favourite and go for it. (basil, oregano, parsley, garlic powder, paprika would be great as well with a bit of salt and pepper)
* If you don't have Epicure Louisiana Spice, you're missing out ... ;) but any cajun spice mix would be great (or whatever other option/spice combo you'd like).
- to switch it up, you could make it into a bit of a holiday side dish by resting it in arugula, topping with pomegranate seeds (or craisins), some feta cheese crumbles (or goat cheese) and then drizzle the dressing over top (just thin it out a bit with some water). You could also top it with some microgreens! That would be good and super pretty.
Sandra's gonna try this: CHEESE PLATE with Chili Oil
Usually you've got me at "cheese plate" but add some capers and marinated olives oil with nuts and chili and it's a win-win. Oh. My. GOSH I can't wait to try this!
 PHOTO CRED: Cook with Chay (p.s. there is no blue plastic on that black olive ... it's just a reflection in her house!)
8 oz your favourite creamed cheese (boursin, goat cheese, ricotta, cream cheese, or even greek yogurt).** 1.5 cups assorted olives 1 tbsp drained capers (omg these salty suckers are my fave) 1/4 cup toasted almonds 2 tbsp pistachios, roughly chopped 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1/3 cup olive oil 1/2 lemon zest and juice 1/2 jalapeno diced (optional) chili oil or chili crisps (optional) chili flakes, to garnish
Toast almonds and set aside
To a pan, add capers, olives, parsley, lemon zest, lemon juice, almonds and olive oil with sprinkle of salt (not too much, those capers are salty!) Mix gently and warm slightly.
Spread your cheese mixture onto a plate. **I'm going to use 4 oz of creamed goat cheese, blended with 4 oz of cream cheese. YUMMMMMM
Top with your olive mixture, drizzle with chili oil if using and top with chili flakes. Serve with your favourite crackers
*** If you try it, or tweak it I'd love to hear what you do! Take a picture and send it to me!
Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you SO much to all of you who regularly email me, recommend my group, my courses, my coaching or this newsletter to your friends and colleagues, your biz besties and your family. I appreciate every one of you and every message that I receive.
"Life is not meant to be an assembly line of tasks ... it's meant to be a masterpiece. Only you can hold the brush".
Sandra Priestley XO

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