Sandra Priestley Coaching
I dunno know where you live, but in Alberta ... wow this winter has been wild. We had -50C (coldest I've ever felt). We had no snow at Christmas (I don't know if I've ever experienced that before either). I'm wearing flip flops in March while the snow melts. Again, something I don't recall ever happening.
But I gotta tell you, Spring is my fave season and I'm excited that it's happening much earlier than usual!
Let's get into this newsletter though, shall we?
If you were having coffee with me this month you likely would have heard my opinions on resistance, procrastination, perfection paralysis.
Now SOMEtimes, the Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule will work: Just decide what you are going to do ... then count ... 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 and DO the dang thing (even if that's just getting out of bed!). It works ... try it.
Alternatively, you can just choose to START and commit to 5 minutes, cause the STARTING is the hardest part I find. No one wants to do an hour of dishes ... but if you can commit to just spending 5 minutes, you'll trick yourself into starting and you'll usually end up finishing.
What I'm noticing though is that there are other times when we really WANT to do something ... sign up for a course, join a gym, reach out to a coach ... and we don't.
We need the timing to be perfect.
WE need to be perfect.
But that's bullshit.
We keep ourselves STUCK, when we wait for the "perfect moment" because perfect doesn't exist.
So ... what if TODAY is the day that you choose to just LEAP and see what happens?
Stop overthinking, overanalyzing and making everything SO MUCH HARDER than it needs to be.
I mean, maybe the only way you fail, is if you hold yourself back from doing what your GUT wants you to do.
After all of our renovations were done to our home this year, these two paintings were the first to be rehung. They were done by my kids years ago and I love them so much - I can't foresee a day when I won't have them on the walls.
I love how they brighten up the space.
I love how they add some FUN to the room.
I love that they bring energy to an area that is really dang neutral.
I love how they make the room FEEL.
If you are looking to add some accents to YOUR space, take a look at the psychology of colour (they fairly closely resemble the five elements) and then go for it.
If you get a little scared off by the colour, reread the Coffee Talk Section. It's not a tattoo on your face ... it's just colour.
Earlier I talked about Mel Robbins (author, speaker and former lawyer) and her 5 Second Rule. Still to this day, I count down from 5 before I do a live video.
Lately, her Instagram account has also been inspiring me on all SORTS of topics. If you follow me on IG (or you are a friend of mine on facebook) you will notice that I share a LOT of Mel's stuff ... anything that resonates with me (or that I know would resonate with my clients) gets shared.
One particular post led me to her podcast - episode #152 (The #1 Journal Exercise to Become the Person You've Always Wanted to Be) was REALLY good.
She said that if you feel particularly stuck right now, take a piece of paper and draw a line down the centre of it.
On the left hand side write: HAPPY
On the right hand side write: ME
Think back to the happiest time in your life ... then under the "HAPPY" column write down all of the things that you were doing at that time. Maybe you were going to the gym. Maybe you were spending more time with friends. Maybe you had a dog. Write it all down.
Then ... under the "ME" side of the paper, write down what you are doing now.
Now compare the two worlds ... there's the world you are in now, and a world when you remember being happier that you can access again.
The happier version is right there for you to see ... you have ALL THE CLUES YOU NEED to figure out how to be happier right now. All you need to do is bring back one or more of those things you were doing when you were a happier version of YOU.
Want to hear the whole episode? Here it is:
The #1 Journal Exercise to Become the Person You Always Wanted to Be
And if you don't wanna do this exercise ... you can always declutter. ;)
Okay I told you that I love spring ... so this month's cool shit section is all about gardening and spring. So tell me ... how COOL are these tiny tomatoes?
These are called Red Current Tomatoes (sometimes also called "Spoon" Tomatoes from what I could find).
My aunt has these tasty little suckers in her garden and I'm excited to try to grow them myself this year. Now obviously, not the best for salsa but they are SO GOOD ... like little bursts of colour and flavour on a salad. Yummmmm.
While we are on the topic of gardening, you've gotta check out these two brilliant ideas I found on social media!!
I'm in love with this idea of using muffin tins for perfect spacing between plants and same depth too. I like my garden to be nicely laid out.
Next brilliant idea: remove the handles off of these cheap plastic umbrellas from a dollar store and dig them into the dirt to protect your plants. If you know me, you know I plant my flowers SUPER early ... like to the point where everyone is SURE they will freeze. I haven't lost any yet (and it's been 20 years of planting on Mothers Day) but I'm feeling like these umbrellas might be a great idea for me ....
and also ... I'm ALL about saving the bees and helping along the butterflies. Recently I was told about bee cups (tiny little water catchers, small enough for bees but not big enough to breed mosquitos). While searching for those, I found THIS. I'm interested to know if this will really work to feed butterflies. What do you think?
** I was reading on this concoction: you need to enough regular soy sauce to the point at which it looks as though it's the colour of tea.
The last month in The Powerhouse Membership was all about manifesting. We actively worked on finding our own manifesting signatures, and using our spaces to create magnetic power. The ladies had a lot of fun manifesting!!
In April, we will be actively working on ONE area of the bagua map (and the mindset and intuition to match). If you're feeling a bit disconnected to your life path ... if you are wanting a change in careers, a shift in your business branding or to find a bit of PURPOSE again. You're gonna wanna join.
Don't overthink.
If you feel like you wanna ... THIS is the month to join.
2) and if you join The Powerhouse OR The Next Level (my private coaching) you will get access to my Power of You private podcast. I designed it so that women in a few of my coaching containers had access to me at their fingertips.
If you aren't in either of those containers but you'd still like access to a few of my meditations, some quick hits of inspiration, $9 CAD will get you access!!! I will be adding some quick mindset shifts that will help you control the circling thoughts, so you won't feel like a big bag of dogshit. The goal is ALWAYS to feel good.
** If you are in my private coaching container (THE NEXT LEVEL), THE POWER OF YOU or THE POWERHOUSE ... you have access already! Look to your respective groups for details on how to access it.
I do love queso .....
... but that's not what I'm sharing this month!
I was getting lost in the scroll one day (ahem ... procrastinating/avoiding) and I came upon this recipe. I don't eat a ton of bread buuuuuuuuuut if I do ... it better be WORTH IT. It's said to be the "most irresistible Olive Oil Bread Dip recipe packed with flavours from the dried and fresh herbs". Now ... we know we can't believe everything we read on the internet .... lol .... but you gotta admit, from the pictures, it looks like they might be right.
Olive Oil Bread Dip
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp fresh finely chopped basil
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly cracked black pepper
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp minced fresh garlic
2 tsp freshly grated parmesan cheese
1 tbsp aged balsamic vinegar
Crusty bread for dipping
Pour olive oil into a small serving bowl or plate
Add Italian seasoning, garlic, basil, red pepper flakes, black pepper, parmesan cheese and salt. Mix. Before serving, drizzle balsamic vinegar into the bowl. Serve with bread and enjoy.
Our Tips and Tweaks:
- I've not tried this yet, but I usually like to try recipes for the first time exactly as they are written. What would you change?
If you try it, or tweak it I'd love to hear what you do! Take a picture and send it to me!
Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you SO much to all of you who regularly email me, recommend my group, my courses, my coaching or this newsletter to your friends and colleagues, your biz besties and your family. I appreciate every one of you and every message that I receive.
"Life is not meant to be an assembly line of tasks ... it's meant to be a masterpiece. Only you can hold the brush".
Sandra Priestley
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