Sandra Priestley Coaching
Well hey there!!!
I promised you (and the Universe) that I would send this email out today and I am following through, just like I said I would ... even without the epic life-changing subject line that I was hoping for.
So here it is ... the "WTF do we call this anyway" newsletter of January 2020. LOL
Ok girl I'm still not sure about this title but 1) I love coffee and 2) I hear Mike Meyers voice on Saturday Night Live as I type it and it makes me laugh, so it's sticking around for now.
This section is for the things that I feel passionately about and the things that I could talk about for hours over some good strong coffee with friends ... so here goes:
I'm seeing a ton of posts (mostly from business coaches) saying that they are decluttering their spaces to make room for new clients, money, opportunities, inspiration etc etc etc. One suggested that this is "Feng Shui", when that couldn't be further from the truth. Now, YES ... I tell you to declutter but decluttering alone, is not feng shui. Decluttering is just like wiping the canvas down before we start to create our picasso!!
Can you see changes in your life from the decluttering process? YESSSSS you absolutely can. You can, because by removing the clutter you are allowing the energy (aka chi) to flow in your space again. HOWEVER ... Feng Shui is the way in which we design our space with intention and CREATE after we've decluttered (and this is the truly fun part).
If you're excited to learn a bit more about what Feng Shui IS, make sure that you have joined the Feng Shui Chick Community and checked out the Five Days of Feng Shui that I have pinned to the top of the group! That will get you started!
OMG so the CRAZIEST thing happened to me recently. I was admiring a pendant that a friend of mine was wearing. She explained that it was called a "worthy wand". It has the word "Worthy" on one side and "Enough" on the other. The website states:
"the necklaces were designed with the intention to raise your energetic vibration and anchor you back to your truth, your birthright, your worth. When you wear these necklaces, you remind yourself that you are not worthy because of what you DO, you are worthy of who you ARE. You are a WARRIOR and you are LOVE."
K. I freakin LOVE LOVE LOVE a great company with a kick ass mission and so I KNEW I had to have one (so of COURSE I bought one for myself as a Christmas present) ... and then THIS happened!!!!!!! MY face on THEIR IG stories. K isn't this COOL???? I could've peed my pants I was so thrilled to have happened upon this a few days ago!!
It totally made my day to be showcased by such a great company!!! If you would like to purchase either a WORTHY/ENOUGH wand (OR a WARRIOR/LOVE wand) you can purchase one here!! Each time I see it or touch it ... it's a constant message to my subconscious mind that I AM worthy, I AM enough, I AM a warrior, I AM love. (oh and p.s. all of my 2020 ELITE STATUS private clients??? You will be receiving one!!!!!!)
There is a lot that is inspiring me lately, but Sarah Blakely (the founder of Spanx) is my current girl-crush. She has been listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer since her dad gave her the cassette tapes at 16 yrs old (even driving home from parties she would make her friends listen to them!!). She was immersed in manifestation and the law of attraction and visualization. One day she asked the Universe to give her the "idea" that will change peoples lives and she promised she would not squander it. Shortly after that, she was looking for underwear that would work under her cream pants and decided to cut the legs off of her control to panty hose ... and SPANX was born. She is now a billionaire ... who started this company on the floor of her apartment. It's hard not to be inspired by that, don't you think???
Each month I'm going to showcase one of my client's transformation stories!!! Fun huh? THIS one I have been zipping my lips on since waaaay before Christmas and now the cat can finally be let out of the bag!!! Here's her story:
Kaitlyn was in the October round of my Feng Shui Course "Feng Shui and Other F Words". She had a well-paying job, but it meant that she had to be away from her family. One of the goals she had set in the beginning of the course was to get a NEW job that would allow her to be at home with her family every night. Not only did she get ONE job offer ... but she got TWO!!!! Whats even better? This month, she is now able to be at home with her kids every single night.
Ahhhhhh it makes my heart smile.
The December round of Feng Shui and Other F Words is almost finished and I'm excited for all of the changes that these girls are making and the energy shifts they are experiencing! That said, I also know that there were a few of you who were wanting to join the group but not yet able to begin. I GOT YOU, girl!!!
Tomorrow I will be opening up the cart for my MAKE IT HAPPEN monthly membership and I'm SOOOOO effn excited for it cause I have some COOL SHIT coming up!! We start off in February with the most epic training I've ever created called:
Finding your Soul's Purpose
If you are still searching for what you are "meant to do" when you grow up OR if you are in network marketing and trying to find the thing that makes you stand out on line, this training will illuminate your gifts, your passions and your strengths so you can figure out what you were always meant to do!! BONUS TRAINING for February is the beautiful Ashley Briana Eve, Quantum Alignment Coach. Ahhhhh this is going to be so kick-ass I can barely stand it.
Click the link here.
I would really love a kick-ass name for this newsletter. I want it to be representative of who I am (kinda sassy, kinda awesome lol), what I believe (that we ALL have the ability to design our lives; that we all need to give the world good energy) and my mission (of empowering women to step into the version of themselves and live the life that they were MEANT for).
Can you help?? Do YOU have an amazing name for me? Something cool and trendy and edgy, but purposeful? Send me a quick email if you've got something for me. If I use your newsletter name ... I'll send you a worthy wand!!!
OMG I can't wait to see all the emails start rolling in!!!
OK chicks! Thanks so much for reading ALLLLL my thoughts for the month and for subscribing to my email list. I'm ever so thankful that I get to share my random thoughts and send good energy to you.
Join our mailing list to see what I'm up to! Ā ThingsĀ change by the minute around here so one NEVER knows what I'll be offering up next ... ;)
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