Sandra Priestley Coaching

Random Thoughts from June 2020

Jun 30, 2020


How in the HECK are ya doing, girl?

Ahhhhh it's been a crazy freakin month I tell ya, but I'm super excited to share with you all of my random thoughts, my truth bombs, the things I love and some client wins as well.  

Here is a quick recap of the last 30 days ...


As I sit here with my big-ass mug of coffee typing away, I'm reflecting over one crazy-ass month.  My son had a "front-porch graduation", a grad grand march ceremony on a football field, his first year University football season was cancelled and my daughter has yet to know if she will be attending Grade 11 from her bedroom ...  yet ... bars are wide open and gyms are fully functional.  How DO you make sense of some of the things that have gone on in the world lately?  

Here's the thing:  We often can't.

it's damn near impossible to believe, understand or figure out ... so I feel we just gotta go with it, ya know?   I always try to flip as quickly as I can to find the positives in a situation and now ... thanks to my girl crush Sara Blakely ... I am starting to look for the gift in each situation.


Ok ... you might have caught the live video that I did on this natural deodorant in my Unstuck facebook group ... or you might have seen the IG stories that I did on it ... or you might have seen it in my "faves" highlights where I like to showcase some of my favourite Canadian products.


I am absolutely freaking OBSESSED with this Natural Deodorant by Calgary Alberta (Canada) company Routine.  After reading about the toxic ingredients in deodorants and how harmful they are to your health (with potential link to breast cancer, depending on which studies you read), I have been on the hunt for the BEST natural deodorant for at least a decade.   I mean ... do you REALLY want to take a risk on your health???  I certainly do not.

I've tried so many of the natural brands, but they either leave a white film on my black shirts, and/or they simply just don't work at all but THIS one ... OMG OMG OMG I'm telling you it's life changing.

You just need a tiny bit on your fingertips and then massage it into your armpit.  While I really thought I preferred a stick applicator ... I was wrong.  Using your fingertips to massage this wonderful cream in is like a fabulous armpit spa.

 You've GOT to try it ... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  Your armpits will thank you.  But guess what ELSE??????


I love it so much it's a little odd but .... check them out below.

The BEST deodorant is right here

Also ... if you wanna watch my crazy video ... (here) it is!


This month was a game changer for me.  HOLEEEEEE I took some time to level the fuck up.  

Whenever I've learned about manifestation, I've read/heard/spoken about stepping into the next level version of me who ALREADY has the life that I want to live.  You want to use the "BE > DO > HAVE model"

And I thought I did that.

But ... I missed the mother-fuckin-point.  

There is ONE thing that comes WITH stepping into the next level version of yourself as an entrepreneur ...


... and I didn't see it until it smacked me upside the head this month.  Here's the thing:

When we can find our "thing" ... our "gift" ... our "strength" ... our "superpower" ... it becomes easy to talk about it, but too often we STILL play small.  We hesitate to show up fully in our authority out of fear of what others think, out of fear of appearing arrogant or cocky.

But ... let me ask you this ... would the next level version of you show up meekly or would they show up with authority???

RIGHHHHHHT ... authority.

So ... if you know what your area of expertise is ... and in particular, what your "expertise sandwich" is (or even if you just know that you are the author of your own story) then show the fuck up in your AUTHORITY, girl.  THAT ... is the key to manifest the business and the life that you want.  

p.s. if you aren't sure what your expertise sandwich is ... or you are struggling with finding your superpower, I've got you covered in the Make It Happen Membership!!!  


I have had some pretty darned cool intuitive business strategy sessions this month.  I have been so excited to meet with each and every one of these women and to take them from not knowing which way to turn in their business and feeling exhausted and stuck ... to feeling clear, excited and aligned!!!  While each of the calls were sooooo fun for me there is one that sticks out in my mind the most.  

This woman had come to me for business advice.  She was feeling as though she was struggling with options ... unsure which way to turn ... but as we began to speak I could feel some heaviness related to a past business-trauma.  I felt it so deeply in my chest (and p.s. this has NEVER happened to me before so it was a bit freaky cool for me) and as I felt it so deeply BOTH OF US HAD TEARS IN OUR EYES!!!!  It was the only thing holding her back from stepping into the greatness that she is capable of.

I admired her for being vulnerable on that call and for being willing to release that trauma but what was really cool???  Her whole face changed once it was acknowledged.  I'm tellin ya she looked 10 years younger, more free and relaxed.  She reminded me that we often hold onto traumas in an attempt to keep us safe ... but instead of keeping us safe, they end up just keeping us small.

If you knew that freedom and flow were waiting for you, what would you willing to release?



Wanna know what my three fave entrepreneurs have in common???

They rely on their intuition to lead them in business.   Seriously.     We spend a shit ton of money on courses and a ton of time on the strategy and the logical stuff when the MOST important tool in our toolbox … is already within us.  Sometimes, we just need to learn to tune everything else out and just lean in and listen.  THAT ... was what the June training was about in the MAKE IT HAPPEN MEMBERSHIP!!

In addition, I've added in a clearing meditation that you can do on a daily basis, as well as a pretty tracker!  This meditation has been a game changer for me in terms of how it's helped fine tune my intuition but also, to just clear my energy on a regular basis.

PLUS:  I've added in many of my best business videos and a whole freakin branding course FO' FREE in a section called "THE VAULT" ... cause I'm cool like that ... and cause I like this picture here and I needed to do something with it.

In July ... I'm moving back to FENG SHUI and I'm talking about TREASURE BOWLS!!!!  (I promise not to make you wear an eye patch).

Treasure Bowls are my favourite alternative to vision boards and they are the ONLY thing that should ever be placed under your bed (she says as she realizes her husband placed her wedding dress box under her own bed and she keeps forgetting to move it ...).

Treasure Bowls are all about intention, energy and using that little bit of magic to attract the traits you want to embody and the things you want to manifest.

I've also got a special guest coming!!!  EEEE it's gonna be fun.  Have you joined yet?


Well we've made a lot of different tasty healthy dishes this month but honestly ... it's grilling season and I wanna ensure that when you have friends and family over for a barbecue, you kick some serious ass at this entertaining thing.

We're talking STEAKS!!!!  (and the four recipes that will make you a fucking ROCKSTAR when you serve em ...)

1) coarse rock salt.  no kidding.  I have NO clue why this is so freakin magical but sprinkling some rock celtic salt ("from a height" like my buddy Jamie Oliver says) onto your steak is like waving a magic wand on that sucker ... SO. DANG. GOOD.  You gotta try it. This one is my favourite brand ... it tastes like the sea.

2) compound butters.  OMG.  I cannot even tell you how much my family and friends have raved about the meals we've made when we grill steaks and then have a selection of BUTTER to top them with.  I'm not even kidding you ... they will think you're Bobby Freakin Flay.

These are some of my faves and I love to make them all and then arrange the options on a plate for my guests to choose from!

Blue Cheese Butter
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, slightly softened
- 1/4 cup crumbled Cabrales blue cheese
- 2 tsp finely chopped fresh thyme leaves
- salt and pepper to taste
Chipotle Butter
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, slightly softened
- 2 tsp honey
- 2 tbsp seeded minced chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
- salt and pepper to taste
Cilantro Lime Butter 
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, slightly softened
- 6 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves
- 1 to 2 tsp fresh lime juice
- salt and pepper to taste

Choose your compound butter recipe and mix it up.  I like to use a small food processor but if you chop the ingredients small enough you can mix by hand as well.  Take the mixed butter and form into a log shape on top of  a piece of plastic wrap.  Roll and then twist the ends.  Place the butter logs into the refrigerator so that they harden.  Remove cut them into discs right before serving.  You want the discs of butters to be cold and hard when you serve them ... they will be easy for your guests to choose their disc and they will melt on the steaks.  My mouth is already watering ...

Well that's it for this month of random thoughts!!  

Feel free to email me back and let me know your thoughts on this months newsletter.  If you've got a friend who might be interested, invite her to the UNSTUCK group or direct her to my IG account:  @sandrarpriestley.  The link to this newsletter is in my bio and I LOVVVVVE seeing the number of subscribers go up!!!  (I'm an attention whore like that .... lol)

I hope you have an amazing July (and that you love the butters).  

Sandra Priestley, the Feng Shui Chick


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