Sandra Priestley Coaching

Random Thoughts from October 2020

Oct 31, 2020

OCTOBER IS OVER!!!!  Know what that means???

(November is coming up, silly.  GEESH ... you gotta get an old fashioned calendar out, girl.)

OK just kidding ... October is over and that means ... a NEW PROGRAM is coming up which is EXCITING as hell, Christmas shopping has begun.  The snow, ice and cold is on its way and I have decided to stop coffee (opting for peppermint tea) for the month to help heal my gut.  Let the games begin!!!


Coffee.  Dammit.

TEA Talk ... doesn't sound as cool now does it?  I'll step it up a bit in this section cause it's STILL my fave ...


So my random thought for this month??  It's about a sandwich if you can believe it.  A good 'ol peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  

K ... nope ... it isn't your typical PB&J.

THIS one is in Chicago and this sandwich has been deemed the worlds most expensive peanut butter and jelly sandwich at $350US (that's $500 for my Canadian friends).

Let's talk about why it's the most expensive ... 

- All-natural peanut butter.
- The bread is dusted with gold leaf.
- The red current jam is imported from France.  They claim that the red and white berries have been de-seeded carefully with a feather quill for the past 600 years.
- It is drizzled with a rare Manuka honey from New Zealand (and comes in it's own briefcase!)
- you need to order it 24 hours in advance.
- One of the owners described it like this:  "The redcurrant berries burst with flavour and the honey is delicious and decadent. It’s hedonism in the mouth."  

Now it's not those individual items that make this the most ridiculously expensive SANDWICH ... but it's the unique combo of all of them.  They ALL come together in harmony to create the perfect sandwich ...

... and YOU are like that too.  

We ALL have a unique combo of gifts that no one else in the world has ... and there are people out there who NEED (or want) that unique combo that only YOU have.  

My goal for you, is to be able to UNCOVER that combo.  MY goal for ME?  It's to help you do it.


NEXT month in the Make It Happen Membership, I'm talking all about HEALTH.  Ways that you can improve it for you and your family and how you can uplift the energy of your home while maintaining the grounding energy too.

One of my favourite tips is to use a 50mm crystal, suspended from the exact centre of your home (measure it out if you can).  Typical Feng Shui cures would tell you to suspend it from a 27" red string but ... I'm not typical and I don't actually love the LOOK of the red string in my space.  I prefer to use fishing line!!  You can't see it but it's still sturdy!

This cure opens up your space and allows the energy to flow nicely throughout your home (and your body!)  It's also a great cure if you are wanting to declutter your space but you are struggling with holding on to some items.

Ahhhhh this is JUST the beginning!  I've got some really cool stuff for health coming up for the girls in my membership!!!  Have you considered joining yet?  There is a TON of really cool stuff in there that's exclusive to members only.  

click here for more information


For the next few months I'm gonna share some really cool finds, cause you know ... Christmas is around the corner and there is ALWAYS someone who is super hard to buy for.  THIS one is for the peanut butter fan in your household (or the person trying to increase protein intake!)

NUTS N MORE!  I found this high protein natural peanut butter in Supplement King in Cold Lake Alberta, but you can find it online as well.  SO GOOD.

This Peanut butter is probably the most natural peanut butter I've ever tasted.  It was on the entrepreneurial show, Shark Tank and I'm told that it's flying off the shelves!!!!  I chose to try the Salted Caramel flavour but apparently the Cookie Dough flavour is most popular at their store.

The container says it's no GMO, no gluten, no artificial stuff, and 11g of protein (almost double that of other brands).  Note:  pretty sure xylitol is "artificial" (and its TOXIC TO DOGS) so their branding might be a bit misleading BUT ... pretty clean compared to Jif I'd say.

They have a bunch of different flavours (birthday cake, toffee crunch, chocolate chip cookie dough, spiced pumpkin pie, mint chocolate chip, cocoa hazelnut, mocha cappuccino, apple crisp, chocolate maple pretzel, dark chocolate .... and more).  They also come in peanut butter powders AND little packs for on-the-go snacks!!    

Here's a link for you to check it out!!!

p.s. there are deals all over this page so check them out.  Download their app (15% off).  Get 10% off your first purchase.  Refer a friend and get 20% off when they buy.  It's a bit much as far as options for me, but pick your deal I guess!!!


One one of my lives this month in Unstuck, my EYELASHES were mentioned!!  (Thank God she didn't mention the pimple on my nose that day OR the fact that this angle is NOT a good one for me ...).   lol

Anyway in a world of face masks, I figure that eyelashes (and brows) are important.  So, there are actually TWO products that I've been using to lengthen and thicken these suckers!!!  

EYE ENVY - this product is likely toxic as hell but let's face it, the mascara is not made out of organic ingredients either.  You put a teeny bit on, along your lash line where you would put eyeliner and within 30 days I saw a difference (and I was really inconsistent with it ... maybe used it 3x a week???).  

GUCCI MASCARA - since when did GUCCI start making makeup???  I had no idea, but this little sample came in my Sephora order and it is by FAR the best mascara I've ever used (INCLUDING the Two Face Better Than Sex mascara and my stand-by Maybelline).


You might not know this but October is not only Breast Cancer Awareness Month but it's DYSLEXIA Awareness Month!!!


I've been particularly inspired this month by the non-profit organization MadeByDyselxia.  They have done such an amazing job of bringing awareness to the world about dyslexia, famous dyslexics (like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Picasso, Henry Ford ... Channing Tatum ;) and about how dyslexic thinkers have SUCH gifts and their weaknesses ... can pretty much be compensated for completely by technology now.  

It's ABOUT time we started seeing it as a GIFT, not a disability don't you think??

One more thing ... I've been really impressed by the University of Alberta's Academic Success Centre and their recommendations for my son so far!    They have recommended a Kurzweil Computer Text-to-Speech software and he says its SO much better than the program that the school was using!

If you know someone who is dyslexic (or has a child who is) check this program out.  It's expensive but like glasses ... if you need them and they help ... it's ALWAYS worth it.

Click here for a free 30 day trial

Ok so do you remember last month when I told you that my client (Holly) moved a cross and it was an instant shift for her???  Last month I said:

Her story inspired me so much and it's like I cannot YELL this loud enough, often enough, to enough people ... YOUR LIFE CAN CHANGE WITH ONE ITEM MOVED.  That one item can shift YOUR energy enough, for you to have the motivation, the inspiration, the drive and the awareness that you need in order to make the other changes happen.  

This month I wanna tell you about another cool call I had!!!

Meet Meg Battersby.

Meg is a SUPER cool chick.  

She loves photography (particularly of animals), loves to travel, is a Mental Health Professional & Wellness Coach helping people find the balance between their emotional, physical, and mental health.  She loves the freedom that life can bring and has a lot of unique gifts.

When I spoke with her, she also had a lot of swirling thoughts.

(boy oh boy do i know this song and dance well, myself)

As we spoke, I kept thinking there was SOMETHING that would allow her that inner mindfulness ... a unique practice to HER that she had never thought of.  

As the discussion continued she mentioned that she had been a gymnast in her younger years, but that she had broken her foot and had to discontinue.  

I heard loudly:  Get a balance beam

K.  That seems WEIRD right??  

Not many people would want a balance beam in their living room, but I was SO confident in the messages that I was hearing - they were loud and VERY clear.  

I asked if she had plank flooring (which she does) and suggested that she use the planks as if they were a beam.  Walk back and forth and regain that focus that she had as a gymnast.  

She immediately liked the idea (PHEW!).  She told me how hard it was on her to leave gymnastics and how that was one of the last times when she always had complete focus, was mindful and she didn't have any of those swirling thoughts running through her mind.

She got off that call with excitement, energy and inspiration.  I couldn't WAIT to see what she did with all of the ideas we had discussed.   The next day, she sent me this DM:

"I did the balance beam and almost burst into tears!! I found a balance beam size plank in my yard!! And my dog was surprisingly attracted to that energy. He usually hates photos hahah.  But I was like SANDRA WOULD BE PROUD"

And I AM!!!

... because the women who take action like she did, right after the call?  THOSE are the women who see rapid transformations.  Taking action on the inspiration and shortening the gap between those two things ... that's the key.   I'M SO HAPPY FOR HER!!!

And it didn't stop on the beam.

She is now on FIRE with ideas for how to change her business, she is doing more IG stories (which feels aligned for her) and I am loving watching her add in some gymnastics moves as well some days!  It's super cool to watch my clients fly ...

Show her some IG love and watch what she does next!!!

If you're interested in your OWN breakthrough call, you can reply to this email for more details or check out this link!


If you've been watching my last few lives in the UNSTUCK GROUP you will know that I was lying in the talented Melanie Diamond's treatment room when she asked me a question and BAM!!!  I heard the words:  "The Power of YOU" so loudly in my ears.  

In that moment, it was like an explosion in my mind ... it was ALL of the practices, exercises, meditations and visualizations that I have used, learned or channelled ... that have led me to this feeling of absolute POWER within myself.  The process that I intuitively have been following to see my CLIENTS strengths when they cannot but also, the mindset work that I've done to allow me to uncover my own.

It was an explosion of ideas to help change the game for ALL women who are wanting to live the extraordinary life.  A life of alignment and love, ease and flow, happiness and growth ... a life where I help them UNCOVER their combo of gifts and then STEP into them.  When you do ... I'm telling you ... it's like the possibilities become endless.

We officially start November 16th but I've got some special surprises for the first 10 women!!!  If you have already signed up YAY!  I love decisive chicks!!  Check your email for a special link.

If you are just reading this for the first time and REALLY want the abundance, prosperity, freedom and ease that this program will provide you, check out the link below!

I'm running this program LIVE, for four weeks with my "4A process for stepping into alignment and my goal is that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN in this group, finishes with the greatest confidence in themselves, their gifts, their strengths and their own inner mastery that complete BLISS is around the corner.

The Power Of You - check it out here


OK.  I left you all hot and inspired and talked about BLISS in the last section.  I was THINKING about giving you some amazing blissful chocolate recipe but guess what?   The doc has suggested I have no:  chocolate, caffeine, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods or nightshades until my test results come back (she thinks I might have an ulcer???  WTF!?!)

Anyway, now that all the good and blissful things in life have been snatched from me I thought ... fuck it!  Let's have cookies for breakfast!!!  

These cookies are ones that my grandma used to make and as it turns out, they pack up pretty nicely to send to my University student too!


3/4 cup butter
1/2 cup honey
2/3 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup ground flax
1 cup white unbleached flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup unsweetened large flake coconut
1 cup raisins, chopped
1 cup dates, chopped 
1/2 cup pecans coarsely chopped
1/2 cup sunflower seeds 


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Cream butter, honey, brown sugar and eggs in a mixer.  Beat in baking powder, soda, salt, flax and flours.

Stir in rolled oats, coconut flakes, raisins, dates, pecans and sunflower seeds.

Measure 1/4 cup portions and shape into rounds.  Place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper (a greased cookie sheet or a stoneware baking pan).

Bake for 10 minutes and remove.  They will be still pretty chewy but they are the PERFECT thing when your kids are running out the door for school, need a quick filling snack or when you can't have coffee ... or chocolate ... or anything else fun.  LOL


Well that's it for random stuff from October!!    Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you SO much to all of you who regularly email me, recommend my group, my courses, my coaching or this newsletter to your friends and colleagues, your biz besties and your family.  I appreciate every one of you and every message that I receive and remember ...

You got this,
Sandra Priestley, the Feng Shui Chick

If you've got a friend who might be interested, invite her to the UNSTUCK with the Feng Shui Chick group or direct her to my IG account:  @sandrarpriestley.  The link to this newsletter is in my bio and I LOVVVVVE seeing the number of subscribers go up!!!  

Wanna keep in touch?

Join our mailing list to see what I'm up to! Ā ThingsĀ change by the minute around here so one NEVER knows what I'll be offering up next ... ;)

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