I can't stand most sales pages. You know the ones ... they tell you story after story after story ... they use all of the psychological mind-fuckery to get you to buy the thing.
I don't even read them.
I scroll to see how much it is and then I get pissed off when I have to hit another link to another link that leads me to another link.
We don't do that crap around here. SIMPLE is best. I don't hide the price.
Click the image below and you will find only the most important course details, price and your option(s) to purchase.
Weekly live videos on mindset, energy and action. Intuition training. Monthly card readings. Moon reminders.
$40 CAD/month
In 2020, I found a type of meditation that didn't piss me off and also, helped me connect to my intuition. This subscription containers my guided meditations as well as some of my favourite past trainings
$15 CAD/month
SURPRISE! All of my clients have access to this program ... but because you're a badass and you've spent time on my site getting to know me ... YOU GET AFFILIATE PROGRAM ACCESS TOO! (I heard Oprah's voice in my head there ... did you? "YOU get a car! YOU get a car! YOU get a car! ... except I can't afford to give out cars. Maybe one day?)
In 2019, I walked past an SJP shoe store, feeling as though I didn't belong. I could afford the shoes ... but I didn't feel worthy of walking in. This course is a labour of love, helping women to realize that they are WORTHY of everything that they desire. $55 CAD
A four week, signature course with my 4A process: Awareness, Acceptance, Attraction, Allowance. This is run once a year (live trainings by me). You will think, act, be and attract different after this course ... $1,111 CAD
Once we know that we are worthy of all that we desire, we can begin to manifest it! Mindset ~ Energy ~ Action. It's all here in this 5 day course. $88 CAD
A two-part, fun masterclass that provides you with a ton of cool hacks to manifest money quickly! Women have begun manifesting money after the first session!!! $44 CAD
Heard of Feng Shui but it seems super complicated? Not the way I explain it! This is a 2-hour masterclass designed to help you see how you can implement Feng Shui in your space to help you achieve your goals! $222 CAD
3 days to manifest wealth? yes please! Take a weekend to learn all that you can ... a few hours every day: mindset energy and action $333 CAD